
De Garoa Hacker Clube
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Garoa Hacker Clube is organizing a game development contest for the (F)uzebox free-software 8-bit gaming platform.

contest rules

  • The submission should preferably be a game, but we will also accept other kinds of software if you feel like doing so.
  • The submission must run in the (F)uzebox platform.
  • The submission can be a clone of some classic game or application, but you will be awarded extra points if your submission is an original concept.
  • You can incorporate work from other people if you have legal permission to do so, such as by building upon free software code. You must comply with the copyright licensing terms of any third part work used in your submission. Please give credit to the authors of these portions of your submission whenever possible.
  • We will run the provided HEX images, but we will try to compile all of the runner-ups from source code. In case we have problems to build your code it will not be allowed to be awarded as a contest winner. We may contact you to deal with build issues.
  • All source code (including third party components) must be made publicly available and must be eigther released to the public domain or licenced under a free software license. You can check the FSF list of free software licenses.
  • All data must be eigther released to the public domain or licensed under a free content license. We recomend Creative Commons By-SA. Warning: Licenses that restrict derivative works and/or commercial use are not considered free licenses.
  • In cases where data is generated algorithmically, these algorithms are considered to be part of the source code and must be provided as well under the same conditions as the rest of the submission source code.
  • Bonus points if you write documentation of your game in the uzebox wiki.
  • Bonus points if you submit bugfixes to the uzebox core as a result of the development of your contest submission. You must prove it by sending us links to the issue in the uzebox bugtracker where your patches must be attached. Extra points if your patch is actually accepted by uzebox developers before the contest deadline is reached. Warning: please don't fake it. Please don't spam the bugtracker.


Submission deadline

  • To be defined

Results announcement

  • To be defined


  • To be defined