O Outro Lado BSidesSP ed 6/CFP EN
{Call For Papers} - "Conferencia O Outro Lado" (Co0L) Security BSidesSP - 6th and 7th Editions
São Paulo, SP, SP, Brazil, Earth, Milkway
H2HC Edition - October 06, 2013
Black Hat São Paulo Edition - November 24, 2013
| About the Conference |
The "Conferencia O Outro Lado" Security BSides São Paulo" (Co0L
BSidesSP) is a free, community-driven one-day conference organized by the first Brazilian Hackerspace, Garoa Hacker Clube,
and infosec professionals involved
with the hacker culture and the information security industry. The main
objective of Co0L BSidesSP is to allow innovation, discussion and
exchange of knowledge about information security and hacker culture,
with a relaxed atmosphere and where these disciplines became complementary.
Co0L BSidesSP was inspired by the existing "Security B-Sides" (www.securitybsides.com) conferences which already took place in various countries, but with a typical Brazilian flavor. The so-called "B-Sides" conferences are community-driven conferences that take place in conjunction with some great event in the same city.
The next Co0L BSidesSP editions will take place close to two relevant security conferences in Brazil: Hackers to Hackers Conference (H2HC) and Black Hat Summit São Paulo.
For more information, please visit: https://garoa.net.br/wiki/O_Outro_Lado_BSidesSP_ed_6 https://garoa.net.br/wiki/O_Outro_Lado_BSidesSP_ed_7
| Topics |
If you believe you have some interesting content about information security and want to share your knowledge and/or discoveries with the community, do not miss the opportunity! Send a paper to our conference.
These are some suggested topics:
- Malware Analysis
- Secure System Architectures
- Audit and Control
- Authentication
- Heuristic Algorithms Applied to Security
- Botnets
- Cyber intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Contactless - Security and Privacy
- Correlation of security events
- Cyber Crimes
- Cryptography & Cryptanalysis
- DIY - Do It Yourself - Culture
- Hacker culture
- Hacktivism and Cyber Ativism
- Reverse Engineering
- Social Engineering
- Information Security tools
- Weaknesses in systems
- Fuzzing protocols or applications
- Cyber War
- Hackerspaces
- Hardware hacking
- Hardware Insurance
- Malware and malicious code
- Information Security Policy
- Privacy
- Vulnerability Research
- Problems with network protocols
- Secure Process Development Life Cycle
- Secure Programming
- Incident Response
- Security from layer 1 to 8
- Web application security
- Database security
- Mobile devices security
- Critical embedded systems security
- Physical Security
- Critical Infrastructure Systems
- Operating Systems
- Pen-Test Techniques
- Issues related to 802.11 networks and Radio Frequency
- Topics in Management, Business and Career
- Topics in Social networks and search engines
- Virtualization
- Vulnerability Research
.- Submission format -.
Each submission should be sent via the following form:
At the submisison, candidates must inform to each conference he or she wants to participate: at H2HC joint edition (10/06/2013) or the edition prior the Black Hat São Paulo (11/24/2013).
The lectures will be 40 minutes long each and technical workshops will last 1h30.
For questions, please email us at cfp at garoa.net.br
Speakers will have granted access to the conference. Co0L BSidesSP does not provide financial support to speakers.
.- Important Dates -.
- CFP submission deadline: Sept. 01, 2013
- Notification to authors - H2HC Edition: Sept. 04, 2013
- Agenda - H2HC Edition: Sept. 06, 2013
- Co0L BSidesSP H2HC Edition Conference: Oct. 06, 2013
- Notification to authors - Black Hat Edition: Oct. 15, 2013
- Agenda - Black Hat Edition: Oct. 20, 2013
- Co0L BSidesSP Black Hat Edition Conference: Nov. 24, 2013
.- BSidesSP Mentorship Program -.
In order to motivate new speakers and to contribute to Brazilian information security community, Co0L BSidesSP will promote, on a trial basis, the first "BSidesSP Mentorship Program" through which we will provide support for speakers interested in offering content, but who have little or no public speaking experience.
"BSidesSP Mentorship Program" will include some workshops for the speakers, to be held on Garoa Hacker Club, where we will share presentation techniques and discuss how to create good presentations, and we will allow participants to train their presentations. The organization of Co0L BSidesSP will also offer speakers the opportunity to have a "Mentor", who will help then by reviewing the content of presentations, for those who wish.
Mentors will also be available to answer questions by email or Skype, as needed, and to help participants create their presentations and translate their ideas into a presentation format appropriate to the event. On the day of presentation, the mentors will attend the lectures of the speakers to give moral support and help with questions and answers from the audience.
.- Last-minute Notes -.
- Co0L BSidesSP is a Portuguese-speaken conference, however we do accept talk proposals in English and Spanish.
- Unfortunately we do not provide financial support to speakers.